
I utilize massage as a regular modality to address my stress and flexibility. After your massage, please drink lots of water to remove any toxins. Below are the benefits of massage.

Just keeping you informed!

Dr. Marilyn Crosby

Published by Dr. Marilyn Crosby, PhD, MBA, MSN RN

I am an registered nurse with a variety of nursing experience in many areas of healthcare, including critical care, research, program management, quality, and complementary care. I have a passion for "all things related to health & wellness" and want to share pertinent information. Stay Well!

17 thoughts on “Massage

  1. I am appreciate for the information and grateful you thought enough to share your acquired knowledge. Definitely need to be shared with others. You are always willing to help others and to inform them you are a blessing to others.


  2. Awesome advice Dr Crosby however there are many types of massage that were not pointed out which are most effective on African Americans


      1. thanks for your input.. do share what you are talking about.. this was an overview.. if you make the article too long .. people won;’t read it not even you, most people have a short attention span..


  3. Excellent info as always, Dr. Crosby. You certainly have a plethora of excellent info to offer people, including myself. Thank you for your help becoming a better doctor of chiropractic and as a better nurse; you have a knack for melding together user-friendly info and getting folks to understand that allopathic medicine might not be the answer to all our human afflictions. Thanks to you, I have a new outlook on Health and the human condition. Edward Lang, BSN, RN, DC.

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