Healing Touch

Healing touch has been a modality utilized by nurses since the 1980’s to increase energy and balance throughout the body. Healing touch affects multiple systems to promote and enhance healing as well as recovery, through the relief of pain, anxiety, relaxation, enhanced spiritual development and depressive behaviors (Hart et al., 2008; MacIntyre et al., 2008; Anderson & Taylor, 2011).

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Janet Mentgen, a nurse created healing touch that incorporated a variety of healing techniques that are non-invasive and require no manipulation of the practitioner’s hands to clear, energize, balance the human body and environmental energy fields (Anderson & Taylor, 2011).  The goal in healing touch is to restore harmony, energize and balance to the body (Anderson & Taylor, 2011; Hart et al., 2011, MacIntyre et al., 2008). 

Healing touch utilizes humans as a multi-dimensional energy system. This includes using the conscious mind that can be affected by another to promote well-being and a healing flow of energy in another person’s body, when the flow of energy has been disturbed by illness, surgery or stress (MacIntyre et al., 2008). 


Female energy healer passes hands over body of woman receiving treatment

  The techniques utilized in this modality require the practitioner to have high intention for the patients highest good to promote self-healing and it is a noninvasive modality (Decker et al., 2012; MacIntyre et al., 2008).  The hands are placed over the body or problem area and moved around in a specific pattern or sequence creating an electromagnetic field to promote healing, relaxation and reduce pain (Anderson & Taylor, 2011; MacIntyre et al., 2008; Hart et al., 2008).

You can find a certified practitioner by looking at these two professional organizations: Healing Touch Program and Healing Touch International. You also can ask your health care practitioner and or nurse about the practice and if they know anyone.

This information is provided to enhance your knowledge regarding holistic health practices and not a call for you to replace your medical treatment.

Just keeping your informed!


Anderson, J. G., & Taylor, A. G. (2011). Effects of healing touch in clinical practice: asystematic review of randomized clinical trials. Journal of Holistic Nursing: Official Journal of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association, 29(3), 221.

Decker, S., Wardell, D. W., Cron, S. G. (2012).  Using a healing touch intervention in older adults with persistent pain.  Journal of Holistic Nursing, 30 (3), 205-213.

Hart, L. K., Freel, M. I., Haylock, P. J., & Lutgendorf, S. K. (2011). The use of healing touch in integrative oncology. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 15(5), 519.

MacIntyre, B., Hamilton, J., Fricke, T., Ma, W., Mehle, S., & Michel, M. (2008). The efficacy of healing touch in coronary artery bypass surgery recovery: a randomized clinical trial. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 14(4), 24.

Published by Dr. Marilyn Crosby, PhD, MBA, MSN RN

I am an registered nurse with a variety of nursing experience in many areas of healthcare, including critical care, research, program management, quality, and complementary care. I have a passion for "all things related to health & wellness" and want to share pertinent information. Stay Well!

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