
Project 2025…

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Have you heard about it?

According to the website “This collective work by conservative thought leaders and former government hands—most of whom were not part of Heritage—set out policy prescriptions, agency by agency for the incoming President. The book literally put the conservative movement and Reagan on the same page, and the revolution that followed might never have been, save for this band of committed and volunteer activists. With this volume, we have gone back to the future—and then some”. (https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_P2025-NOTE.pdf)

“The 2025 Presidential Transition Project paves the way for an effective conservative Administration based on four pillars: a policy agenda, Presidential Personnel Database, Presidential Administration Academy, and playbook for the first 180 days of the next Administration.” (https://www.project2025.org/policy/)

‘Rather, it is a mandate to significantly advance conservative principles in practice and demonstrate to the American people that where liberal policies generally fail, conservative solutions succeed in making life better for all of us’. (https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_AFTERWORD.pdf, page 886).

The federal government structure as we know it will be changed and replaced with conservative members of the GOP to run the government.

I am particularly interested in the Department of Health and Human services and the proposed restructuring. I listed their goals, but review the document and make up your own mind.

Goal #1: Protecting Life, Conscience, and Bodily Integrity

Goal #2: Empowering Patient Choices and Provider Autonomy.

Goal #3: Promoting Stable and Flourishing Married Families.

Goal #4: Preparing for the Next Health Emergency.

Goal #5: Instituting Greater Transparency, Accountability, and Over- sight https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf

I have also added several references with different slants of the proposal. Read and reflect on the implications of the prosposed changes that may occur in the future, once the public decides who the next president will be.


2025 Policy, Project 25.https://www.project2025.org

Project 2025, Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

Project 2025, The Heritage Foundation https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025


National Library Week April 23-29

This year’s theme is “There is More to the Story. ” The library is a wonderful way to promote reading for all ages. It is a free service and it may not be used as frequently by many due to the internet but it has a place in society. If you are of a certain age group you may remember going to the library to study, for field trips and or story hour.

A reporter S.Benen, (March, 2023) recently published a story about a Republican member of Congress suggest that the nation’s public libraries be replaced with “church-owned” alternatives. Consider this missive Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana published on Twitter:

“Over time, American communities will build beautiful, church owned public-access libraries. I’m going to help these churches get funding. We will change the whole public library paradigm. The libraries regular Americans recall are gone. They’ve become liberal grooming centers.”

You may or may not agree with the Congressmen but public libraries serve their purpose. Although many of us do not utilize the library as often as we once did there are still households in this country that do not have access to a computer or the internet.

Support your local library. Stay informed and get active in your community, especially if you care about public libraries and books.

Just keeping you informed!


National Prescription Drug Take Back Day 4/22

National prescription drug take back day is the day you can dispose of unused or expired prescriptions. It is unacceptable to dispose of prescriptions in the sink or toilet. The Drug Enforcement Administration with host DEA’s National Prescription Take Back Day at locations across the country. They will collect tablets, capsules, patches and other solid forms of prescription drugs (DEA. gov, 2023)

Photo by Ron Lach on Pexels.com

“Collection sites will not accept syringes, sharps and illicit drugs. Liquid products such as cough syrup, should remain sealed in their original container. The cap must be tightly sealed to prevent leakage” (DEA.gov, 2023).

The DEA (2023) recommends to take the medications out of their bottle and mix them with something unappealing like kitty litter or coffee grounds if a program is not available in your area. Seal them in a bag or disposable container, and throw them away (DEA. gov, 2023)

For more information go to https://www.dea.gov/takebackday#results OR call 1-800-882-9539.




Mindfulness is a technique to assist you to live in the present moment, rather than regretting what may have happened in the pass or worrying about future events. Being present or attentive during a conversation, and or an activity can enhance the beauty and joy of the moment without judgment.

Meditation, yoga, dance or just sitting still are just a few activities that can assist you to become more mindful to the present moment. The goal is to connect to your present surroundings and acknowledge your emotions and feelings without labeling them as good or bad.

When was the last time you had a conversation with someone and you gave them your complete attention without engaging in another activity or thought during the conversation? We all have been programed to be ready with a response. It is very rare that we give our full attention to anything, even a short conversation.

It will take practice, but try to give your full attention to someone you are having a conversation with and notice how different it feels to be fully engaged and focused on the person you are listening to. This practice is not as easy as it seems.

There are structured mindfulness practices available to assist you in becoming more mindful. Check out the link below to listen to a few Mindful Moments, presented by Saybrook University to help you restore your well being during the day, and practice mindfulness.


Mindful Moments. https://www.saybrook.edu/mindfulness-moments/

Mindfulness, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/mindfulness


World Mental Health Day


It was World Mental Health Day, on October 10, 2021. Personally, I think we need a whole month to reset. There is so much going on, and if you do not take time to unplug you may feel over whelmed and depressed.

There are a few things you can do to ensure you stay balanced, and well. Get enough sleep, without adequate sleep your body can not regenerate, and you are cranky.

Enjoy nature, and go for a walk, or ride your bike.

Interact with others, some of us have been isolated for so long that we need some physical interaction with other adults. Don’t forget to wear your mask, if you have not been vaccinated.

Find an activity or craft that you enjoy. I exercise, and it is a great way to increase your stamina and well being. I have a friend who builds bird houses, and another who loves to work in the garden.

Take a drive and enjoy the scenery. I have been taking short week-end trips to re-energize, it will change your outlook. Hint: leave your laptop at home.

If these things do not work, you may need to talk to a professional, especially if you have had suicidal thoughts, or feeling depressed for extended periods.

Therapist are now online. Here are a few links for your review. I can not validate the services but these links can help you get you started. https://www.betterhelp.com/get-started/


Stay well and unplug, your mental health depends on it!

Happy Nurses Week. May 6-12, 2024

Show your appreciation for the nurses in your life and those you encounter, this week and every day. It can be a thankless job and nurses are present for every healthcare encounter related to your life from birth to death. Nurses are the heartbeat of healthcare and hospitals could not function without them.


Thanks to my colleagues for all they do for others !


Spring is a time of renewal after the long cold winter. The flowers and trees have new growth, and many of us are doing some type of spring cleaning. Spring is also a great time to reevaluate your goals and readjust.

Photo by Alena Koval on Pexels.com
Photo by Co Sch on Pexels.com

Every year I make goals for myself, especially around health and wellness. Did you commit to lose weight and going to the gym three times per week or to be more mindful in what you consume?

This is a great time to review your plans and adjust accordingly so you can get back on track and be successful with your goals. Don’t give up, there are eight months left in the year to fulfil your personal goals.

Solicit assistance if your need to, get a trainer, or change the activity to something more manageable. Examples may include walking in your neighborhood a couple days per week, instead of going to the gym every day; or consuming your largest meal in the middle of the day; or reducing your caffeine intake to one cup per day instead of three.

Simplifying your goals can make a big difference. Whatever you need to do to adjust and make the goal easier to obtain, this is the time. This process may occur several times before the goal is realized.

It will be worth it in the long run so you can see your results and celebrate your wins. You can do it!!!

Happiness vs Stress

What does happiness look like for you? Happiness for me means to be healthy, mentally and physically fit, so I can enjoy life to the fullest. To be mentally and physically healthy means I can handle the daily stressors in life without difficulty. We all will have some stress and aggravations in life but how you handle them will determine your success.

I recently created an unwanted health challenges as a result of stress. I emphasized create because stress will affect your sleep, eating patterns and other activities. These changes can decrease your nature immunity and leaving you prone to accidents and or illness.

I got out of my normal routine of exercise, sleeping and eating as a result of additional stress related to moving. Yes, moving is stressful even if its planned. It has taken me a few months to get back in my normal routine, and to feel better and less stressed related to the move. Happiness and contentment are essential to my well-being and healthy state, and maybe the key to your issues as well.

We all have some stress in our lives but multiple stressors can paralyze you and can cause a downward spiral in either mental or physical health if it is not addressed . Do some self reflection and examine your personal stressors to ensure you are not internalizing your feelings and creating disease or illness.

Get assistance and ask for help. You may need to talk to someone to get a new perspective. Tackling issues alone, can be stressful, so seek out professional help if needed. If you talk to a friend, choose wisely. Either way, address your current stress so you can remain healthy and well.

Your happiness and contentment is around the corner.

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking has become big business and run away teens, and immigrants are vulnerable targets. These individiuals are exploited and used for profit by requesting them to perform forced labor or engage in commercial sex. (state.gov/what is trafficking in persons).  

Photo by David Radomysler on Pexels.com

Emergency departments are required to put up signage in bathrooms to encourage the victims to reach out for help.

There five cities with the most of the human trafficking occurs includes:

One (1). Houston, Texas, has the highest rate in the US and it connects to San. Antonio and Dallas, and is known as the Texas triangle.

Two (2). Las Vegas, Nevada, FBI regards Vegas as high-intensity for child prostitution.

Three (3). Washington, is a hotspot for trafficking because of its border with Canada.

Four (4). Atlanta, Georgia (has the highest rated of children being forced into prostitution.

Five (5). Miami, Florida (Florida is ranked 3 rd in trafficking and hub for domestic and international travel)

If you suspect someone is being exploited, observe and report it.


G. Ahmed. (2023). Top 5 Human Trafficking Cities in the US. Insider Monkey, https://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/top-5-human-trafficking-cities-in-the-us-1160004/ 

Understanding Human Trafficking. (2023). https://www.state.gov/what-is-trafficking-in-persons

The Four Agreements: as it relates to your Health and Wellness…

Don Ruiz the author of “The Four Agreements”

Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love. 

I will be discussing these agreements as it relates to health and wellness..

  1. Be impeccable with your word, speak with integrity: Say what you mean and mean what it and be true to yourself. To be impeccable with others it starts with you being true to yourself. Do not make promises to yourself that you do not plan on keeping (especially as it relates to your health).
  2. Don’t take anything personally: Nothing others do is because of you. You have to become immune to the opinions of others. Even when others tell you negative information, about yourself, remember it is not about you.
  3. Don’t make assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and express what you really what to know. This step is essential when talking to your physician. Ensure you ask questions so you understand what is being said.
  4. Always do your best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment and will be different when you are sick versus healthy. Your body is your temple and letting go of judgement helps you make good decisions regarding your health and wellness so take action.
Photo by Madison Inouye on Pexels.com

Health Literacy Month

October is health literacy month for health organizations, literacy programs, libraries, social service agencies, business, professionals associations and government agencies (Office of Minority Health, 2023).

Healthy People 2030, is an initiative that addresses the health disparities for equity, and to improve health literacy for all including individuals and organizations (Healthy People 2030).

You can do your part by taking care of yourself and others by eating well and increasing your exercise. Take this time to increase your personal health literacy about prevention, health and wellness or any chronic disease that you may have.

Stay well, this is the only body you have.

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com


Healthy People 2030 (https: //health.gov/healthypeople)

Office of Minority Health, 2023

The New Mental Health Crisis

As a registered nurse I am able to observe and serve in many capacities. I have noticed that many young adults, adolescent and children are not using their five senses to navigate through the world. As a result they are not able to cope or communicate effectively with others, because of abuse and neglect by adults. As a result these individuals have anger issues, anxiety, depression or trust issues, and may become homicidal or suicidal.

Photo by Mizuno K on Pexels.com

Parents do not have the tools or the patience to assist their children with these issues. Many of them are not parenting and leaving their children to their own devices. Some of these parents are refusing to pick up their children from the mental health facility after treatment. Thus leaving them in state custody just reinforces their depression and trust issues.

It is apparent that family counseling is essential for many of these families. Psychiatry facilities interact with families but they are not set up to offer intense family therapy. One or two sessions of family therapy is not effective. If the medical community does not embrace treating the family as well as the patient, we will continue to have this revolving door of patients that can not cope. This could be addressed in an outpatient setting.

I am not saying all children admitted to psych facilities have the same issues but many on them have been abused by adults and not parented in a positive way causing depression, anxiety and anger resulting in suicidal or homicidal ideation.

Currently, patients with mental health issues are treated for approximately 10-14 days in a facility if they are homicidal or suicidal. After treatment they are discharged back into the same environment, and some times the parents or guardian refuse to pick them up. If the children age out of the system, (over 18) and not suicidal or homicidal they may become homeless, resulting in other issues.

They are often readmitted back to another facility within 30 to 90 days with the same behavior, and it become a revolving door, especially if they do not take the prescribed medication.

Corporations now manage many mental facilities, and do not listen to health care professionals about effective treatment. Everything is profit oriented. At one time children were not given a diagnosis of schizophrenia because it was known that they have vivid imaginations and may have imaginary friends. Now it is a common diagnosis for children so it can be billed.

Capitalism has it place but it is not a great incentive in healthcare, because we all suffer. Strong mental health is essential for a productive community. The Governor in my state reduced mental funds, so apparently is not a state priority.

If you or someone you know had thoughts of suicide please get some assistance and call the 988 suicide and crisis lifeline. “The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States” (988 Lifeline, 2023).


988 Lifeline

Houston Suicide Support: 832-416-1177

Nursing Science: How The Supreme Court Ruling Affects Us All

“Equal educational opportunity is a prerequisite to achieving racial equality in our Nation.” Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Written by Denetra Hampton ( June 30, 2023)

On Thursday, June 29, 2023, The Supreme Court ruled that the admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina that relied in part on racial considerations violated the United States Constitution. A historical decision that messaged to our students that they must rely on their grades only for admissions. This decision will affect every academic institution, family and student in the country, including nurses.

Without argument our educational system has been disproportionately implemented since the beginning of time and every student of color has been affected on every level disparagingly. The limited use of affirmative action sets our country back decades and widens the gap of disparities for generations. I am deeply saddened.

Why It Matters In Nursing

Disparities in nursing education continue to plaque our ability to move the needle on other issues that in close proximity, keep us from national and global conversations. Whether it is the nursing shortage or access to care, it is important that we are even more intentional about diversity and inclusion in our science narrative. If not, the impact on the mental and physical health of nurses and an entire nation will be catastrophic.

As I continue to press forward the unquestionable relevance of our health and nursing science, the Supreme Court Ruling has been a clear confirmation that the work has to be continued. Let me be clear, the tool of affirmative action has been one of the greatest avenues through which the fight for equity could flow, however as with any life-long fight, it should not be the only one and although deeply disappointed I am confident in the narrative of our next generation of nurse scientists. Onward.

So, to all students, nurse educators and colleagues be encouraged to always be excellent, get involved in those things that challenge your critical thinking, practice and policy. We still have work to do.

Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques are needed to invoke relaxation, especially when you feel stressed. These techniques include breathing exercises, visualization and guided imagery (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2023)

Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

Relaxation is essential for the body. It helps to reduce stress, and can assist you to refocus and improve your well being.

There are several relaxation techniques that one can use to relax, which may include meditation, yoga, guided imagery, deep breathing, massage or walking. This list is not complete and there are other healthy ways to relax, however you must be deliberate and be mindful about the activity you chose. Alcohol is not included in this list however many may drink wine or other spirits to relax, remember moderation is the key.

Keep in mind the goal is to relax the mind and body, and decrease stress. Pick an activity you enjoy and engage in it regularly. Your mind and body with response accordingly and should leave you feeling refreshed.


Creating a garden can be rewarding and challenging. I have a small garden, with roses, ferns and other plants that require low maintenance. Recently one plant was found with mealybugs. These are tiny white bugs that suck the sap out of plants. They can infect the whole garden, and it has been challenging trying to control the spread to the other plants.

Do your homework and reach out to your local nursery for questions and assistance. They are a great resource. However, some nursery staff will suggest chemicals to control the local pest in the garden. While others will suggest organic and nontoxic ways to manage the bugs in the garden. It is up to you what you would like to use, but do your homework, especially if you have pets and children that can be exposed to these chemicals.

I have had great success in growing avocado’s plants from seeds. Due to the limited space, I usually give the avocado plants away and I do not know if they ever produce any fruit. The gratification of growing something from a seed or a small seedling can be very satisfying. I have not had much luck with herbs, but will continue to try.

Gardening can be very calming and satisfying, and helps center my soul. Try it and see what it can do for you, even in limited space.

Imposter Syndrome

Cuncic (2023) states “Imposter syndrome is the internal psychological experience of feeling like a phony in some area of your life, despite any success that you have achieved in that area. You might have imposter syndrome if you find yourself consistently experiencing self-doubt, even in areas where you typically excel”.

We have all felt that way on an occasion but if your feelings manifest as negative self-talk, which causes you have anxiety and you agonize over events that may have not gone right you may have imposter syndrome.

Other symptoms may include overly sensitive to any type of criticism, attributes your success to luck or outside factors, and or you down play your expertise to others because you may feel like a phony. According to Cuncic (2023) you might have imposter syndrome.


We all have questioned our decisions and outcomes, however it becomes a issue if you can not move forward because of you feel inadequate, and you keep comparing yourself to others. This is not a mental health issue, but a professional counselor can assist with sorting out the negative self talk (Cuncic, 2023).

Cuncic, A (2023). Imposter Syndrome: Why You May Feel Like a Fraud. https://www.verywellmind.com/imposter-syndrome-and-social-anxiety-disorder-4156469