Happiness vs Stress

What does happiness look like for you? Happiness for me means to be healthy, mentally and physically fit, so I can enjoy life to the fullest. To be mentally and physically healthy means I can handle the daily stressors in life without difficulty. We all will have some stress and aggravations in life but how you handle them will determine your success.

I recently created an unwanted health challenges as a result of stress. I emphasized create because stress will affect your sleep, eating patterns and other activities. These changes can decrease your nature immunity and leaving you prone to accidents and or illness.

I got out of my normal routine of exercise, sleeping and eating as a result of additional stress related to moving. Yes, moving is stressful even if its planned. It has taken me a few months to get back in my normal routine, and to feel better and less stressed related to the move. Happiness and contentment are essential to my well-being and healthy state, and maybe the key to your issues as well.

We all have some stress in our lives but multiple stressors can paralyze you and can cause a downward spiral in either mental or physical health if it is not addressed . Do some self reflection and examine your personal stressors to ensure you are not internalizing your feelings and creating disease or illness.

Get assistance and ask for help. You may need to talk to someone to get a new perspective. Tackling issues alone, can be stressful, so seek out professional help if needed. If you talk to a friend, choose wisely. Either way, address your current stress so you can remain healthy and well.

Your happiness and contentment is around the corner.

Published by Dr. Marilyn Crosby, PhD, MBA, MSN RN

I am an registered nurse with a variety of nursing experience in many areas of healthcare, including critical care, research, program management, quality, and complementary care. I have a passion for "all things related to health & wellness" and want to share pertinent information. Stay Well!

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